Dr. Shlain wrote a book called Time, Power and Money in which he gave a reasonable explanation for balding. Back in the days when humans were hunter/gatherers, the human population was made of communities of 200-300 people, of which maybe 20-30 were young men of hunting age. Hunting parties would go out into the plains. Within the group there was a few men that were bald and they were critical to be spotters whose heads would go above the bush to spot their pray. Animals had recognized that humans were problems and would run and scatter on seeing a human head pop up, but these bald guys were “not human” so they generally ignored this bald head. It turns out that 7% of men are bald today. In the hunting party, some men went left and some right. Those that through their spears with their left arm went left had to be left handed. It turns out that today 7% of men are left handed. Also there was a problem with recognizing hiding tigers in the grasses and bush, so 7% of men were colorblind and could aid these hunting parties identify these tigers or other dangerous pray that were well camouflaged. Now the last of the problems is that some men had to be left behind to watch after the women, who could be trusted? It turned out that that job went to the 7% of gay men in the group. These are generally good statistics today.
Balding has evolved since the day of the hunter/gatherer. The balding genetics became complicated so that many types of balding developed, although the 7% rule for the Class 7 patient remains in today’s population.
I anyone has another idea on the cause of male patterned balding, please send me suggestions to williamrassman33@gmail.com