IS THERE REALLY ANYTHING WRONG WITH WEARING A WIG??As we’ve previously discussed, going bald can be one of the most, if not the most,?traumatic?experiences a man can go through in life. With hair loss treatments, medications and hair transplants available on the market for whatever price, some men still just can’t escape the dreaded process of losing their hair.
Wearing wigs is not so common these days, as it once used to be. Wig wearing boomed in the 1970s and?although they were still an?embarrassing?item to be identified with, there was still an air of acceptance with them. If a man went completely bald, a wig was seen as an obvious alternative to showing off the shiny head.
Fast forward into 2012 and it’s a lot less common for men to resort to?wearing?a wig. With today’s culture,?especially?in the UK, wearing a wig is probably a lot more trouble than it’s worth. Celebrities such as Enrique Iglesias and Michael Greco have been?rumoured?to wear wigs, but one thing is definitely for sure, we won’t hear it from their mouths whether it’s true or not.
So, are wigs perhaps less obvious than they were 40 years ago? There is certainly still a massive market for these items. Perhaps the advanced manufacturing has enabled us to develop wigs into really life like accessories that we simply do not notice. Sam Davies, a man who earns his living in the hair loss trade isn’t so sure:?
One thing which will never change, I doubt, is that bad wigs will always exist. And this is the problem. Because a few really awful wigs exist, and are worn out in public, people generally think that this is how ALL wigs are. The truth is anything but. In fact, if I was really naughty I could drop in here a few famous names who all have wigs. But I won’t – the point I am trying to make, really, is that if a wig isn’t noticeable then it is doing its job.I all depends on on how much time and investment each individual is willing to spend on a wig. There are some fantastic wigs on the market, there is no question about it – but as Sam stated, there are also a few dire ones out there too.?
Wig specialists such as Hair Direct offer a wide range of wigs that vary in colour, style, thickness and tone. Each wig is match-made for each individuals needs. The key is to get the colour of the wig to match the shade of hair on the side of your head. The texture is also a vital asset – If you have curly hair on the sides and the back of your head and you wear a wig that’s full of straight hairs, it’s highly likely that people will spot the thing a mile off.
If you’ve tried every treatment and medication possible in an attempt to fight hair loss and you refuse to shave it all off, as many men do, then you may have to consider joining the wig club. Though a very taboo subject, if you can find a good wig supplier that caters for your exact need, then the wig could be the long term solution you’ve been looking for.

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