Lasers Used in Hair Transplantation?

Do you know if Laser Hair Surgery requires you to go under anesthetic? I have a real phobia of anesthesia, so would prefer not to get knocked out during surgery!

Laser hair transplantation was used in the 1990s, which had a laser cut into the skin, then the grafts were placed into these laser-created wounds. The wounds produced a surface that would not allow the grafts to be held into place, so they just slipped out. Also, the laser burned the skin at the wound edge, creating a great deal of damage and producing wound healing problems. It was largely abandoned by every doctor who promoted it at the time.

As for sedation in hair transplant surgery, we’ve written about that here. Different clinics may offer different sedation options. You don’t need to be completely knocked out during a hair transplant.

Tags: laser, hair transplant, surgery, hairloss, hair loss

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