Keeping Your Hair Through Chemotherapy with the Cold Cap

A previous post from a few months back talked about a way to prevent hair loss when a patient is going through chemotherapy by using Cold Cap Therapy. Chemo is used for treating many types of cancer, and many of these treatments cause hair loss.

I am happy to report that the patient discussed in May has just finished her chemotherapy, and she sent this email to me with permission to post it on this site:

Wow – it is good to be looking at the end of the chemo cycle (six treatments in an outpatient facility). I am finally seeing my energy beginning to come back. This cycle had more general fatigue and much more muscle fatigue which is slowly waning. I am thinking that I should be 90{a2ca4edd6b41bbe0aa2aee03bc791424ed51d90fd68b7905d1abaddbf6d669df} to my normal state by the weekend. I can report that my hair is holding – we sent back the cold-caps with a fond farewell.

Overall I’ve had about 20{a2ca4edd6b41bbe0aa2aee03bc791424ed51d90fd68b7905d1abaddbf6d669df} hair loss over the therapy course and my hair is growing normally. I may have lost 20{a2ca4edd6b41bbe0aa2aee03bc791424ed51d90fd68b7905d1abaddbf6d669df} (my estimate) of my original hair and the new hair is already growing back. I want to put the word out that if you know anyone who is looking at chemotherapy and wants to avoid hair loss that they should contact me [note: BaldingBlog will make the connection to this patient].

I have put together a guide to using cold-caps based on my experience which I think will be helpful. It is only hair but it makes a difference to know I look healthy and when I looked in the mirror through this period of chemo, having my hair kept my spirits up. Please tell others to contact me.

If you’d like to contact her, send us a message via the Contact page and we’ll make sure the email gets to the right place.

Tags: cancer, chemo, chemotherapy, cold cap, hairloss, hair loss

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