If there’s money to be made, it doesn’t come much more lucrative than the hair loss treatment market. With an increasing number of men (and women) reaching out for hair loss solutions, we now find ourselves in a clustered market full of foams, shampoos, supplements, and serums that all promise the same thing: To cure balding and thinning hair. 


Let’s make one thing clear: As it stands, there is no 100{a2ca4edd6b41bbe0aa2aee03bc791424ed51d90fd68b7905d1abaddbf6d669df} cure for hair loss. That is a fact. If any product on the market makes claims of curing baldness then they are lying. It really is as simple as that. Products like Regaine and Propecia are valid treatments for hair fall, but they can only act to slow down and halt the process, at best. There has been no concrete evidence that suggests even properties like finasteride and minoxidil can regrow hair where previously lost.

Although a high number of men and women will spend an absolute fortune on all kinds of hair treatment products on the market, many of these big spenders actually have realistic expectations. For most of us looking to tackle the dreaded hair loss pattern, we seek naturally formulated products that can act to slow down and prevent further hair loss. We like to call this ‘Damage Limitation’. Why go bald at 30 when you can keep your hair until you are 40, right? This is a common theme of thinking, which leads us on to the subject of natural hair loss treatments.


Natural supplements that specifically target baldness all make similar claims: To stop hair loss and help generate new hair growth. Almost all these supplements claim to have a 90{a2ca4edd6b41bbe0aa2aee03bc791424ed51d90fd68b7905d1abaddbf6d669df} success rate and a money back guarantee. If you read these claims anywhere on a hair loss treatment’s marketing campaign, then be careful. In reality, these success rates are probably untrue.  So, are there supplements on the market that can slow down thinning hair? The answer to this question is yes, absolutely. All all instances, individual cases will vary, but there are effective ingredients out there that can definitely increase hair density and provide vital nutrients to the hair follicles, resulting in stronger, thicker and healthier hair. 

HR23+ is the newest hair health supplement that has gained positive early reviews. This naturally formulated pill makes a simple claim: To help slow down and prevent hair loss in men and women suffering from early stages of thinning hair and balding. So, how much of this claim should we believe? At £49.95 per bottle of 60 tablets, we thought we’d delve deep into the ingredients of HR23+ and calculate exactly how effective this supplement has the potential to be. 


When it comes to ingredients, HR23+ doesn’t mess about. This pill has clearly been developed through careful consideration and substantial scientific research. Containing 23 key ingredients for hair health, there are multiple aspects of this tablet that give it huge potential to prevent male pattern baldness and female pattern baldness, respectively.

Like many hair and nail health supplements, biotin is one of the main ingredients used in HR23+. Biotin is believed to be a successful additive that can help prevent hair loss and stimulate healthy hair and nail growth. So, it’s no surprise to see this potent human growth agent on the list of ingredients. What makes HR23+ interesting, and quite unique from its competitors, is the addition of saw palmetto. This powerful ingredient is believed to be a successful additive that can help prevent hair fall by blocking DHT. The components of saw palmetto that block the enzyme work in a similar way as the synthetic ingredients in prescription medication for hair loss. Saw palmetto mixed with biotin provides the hair follicle with a double-effect system: One that blocks DHT paving for the other to generate hair growth. 

Two other excellent combinations of ingredients used in this tablet are grape seed and green tea. Grape seed extract is a very potent supplement that acts as an antiallergenic, antihistamine, anti-inflammatory, and antioxidant. Like Pygeum Africanum and Saw Palmetto, Grape Seed extract has also been found to inhibit DHT production, and thus prevent hair follicle damage. There are multiple possible ways by which grape seed extract promotes hair regrowth and reverses hair loss. The action of proanthocyanidins found in the grape seed extract plays a key role. It inhibits the conversion of testosterone to dihydrotestosterone (DHT). High levels of DHT are known to cause androgenic alopecia – grape seed extract can be used to reduce the rate of hair loss. Proanthocyanidins also act as growth stimulants for hair follicles. 

Green tea has become a popular source for many of us looking to lose weight. But more recently, green tea has been used as a key extract for a hair loss treatment. Green tea is a good source of panthenol, which is often used in shampoos and conditioners to strengthen hair and manage split ends. Panthenol, along with the other antioxidants presented in green tea, may help in strengthening the hair and making it healthier. Green tea also contains key metabolism boosters that leads to shedding of weight.

A few other essential additives in this blend include folic acid, zinc and choline, all of which provide the hair with key nutrients that can lead to the slowing down and prevention of hair fall. 


So, are the claims that HR23+ make a little far fetched? With the ingredients and dosages listed, you would expect positive results. As we stated earlier, with each individual case the results will vary, but HR23+ does contain powerful combinations of effective anti-hair loss ingredients that have been scientifically researched and tested. 

To say HR23+ is a scam would be premature. For however sceptical you are and whatever you think about hair treatments and supplements, the additives don’t lie. The aim of this tablet is quite evident, but the execution is still unproven. Having only been launched in April 2014, HR23+ is still the relative newcomer on the hair care market, and we won’t know exactly how effective this product is until we see customer reviews spanning a usage of over a year. However, if you are one of the 60{a2ca4edd6b41bbe0aa2aee03bc791424ed51d90fd68b7905d1abaddbf6d669df} of men and 40{a2ca4edd6b41bbe0aa2aee03bc791424ed51d90fd68b7905d1abaddbf6d669df} of women that suffer with the devastating effects of losing your hair, then HR23+ should seriously be considered. This yellow tablet will provide your hair with key beneficiaries as well as well-balanced nutritional additives for your skin, nails and health.

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