Is A Hair Transplant Surgery Worth It If I Don’t Take Propecia?

Thank you for this blog. I have a question for you: is it worth getting a hair transplant without taking minoxidil or finasteride after? I’ve tried both, and react poorly. Minoxidil foam irritates my eyes, and I can’t use it; while finasteride just kills my libido.

I’m seriously considering a hair transplant but wondering if it’s all for naught if I can’t maintain it with these drugs. I’m about a Norwood 3V right now.

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The decision to have hair transplant surgery has nothing to do with taking Propecia or Rogaine.  You don’t have to take Propecia or Rogaine to have hair transplant surgery.

Some doctors may recommend that you take these medication but it is not mandatory.


The post Is A Hair Transplant Surgery Worth It If I Don’t Take Propecia? appeared first on Hair Loss Information.

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