HR23+ Hair Restoration Pill

HR23 (Hair Restoration) is the latest hair loss treatment pill to hit the market, and already it’s gathering glowing reviews and repeat customers.  Formulated in the USA, HR23 contains 23 key ingredients, such as saw palmetto, biotin and zinc, that can help prevent and stop hair loss in both men and women.

After trying HR23 for a set period of three months (the minimum recommended), here are my findings on this all-natural herbal supplement…

Many of us are sceptical about anti-hair loss treatments, and rightly so.  There still isn’t a 100{a2ca4edd6b41bbe0aa2aee03bc791424ed51d90fd68b7905d1abaddbf6d669df} proven cure for hair loss, therefore people are generally weary about throwing money away on endless treatments and products that make huge claims and promises.

By looking at the 23 key ingredients on HR23, I was positive about the supplement and started using it with an open mind.  The three ingredients that stood out in particular were saw palmetto (an additive that can help reverse DHT and one that is used in many other hair loss treatment supplements), biotin (often seen as an ingredient that can increase the growth of hair), and green tea (often used in anti-hair loss shampoos and conditioners).  Before taking HR23, I was on a steady intake of biotin pills coupled with saw palmetto – HR23 conveniently combines the two ingredients, meaning I now only have to take the one supplement.

HR23 is a naturally formulated supplement -meaning the risk of side-effects is pretty much zero! After taking HR23 for three 12 weeks, I have not noticed any negative side-effects.  However, the things I did notice are sure to be of interest to you…

  • Less hair fall – The best way to judge how much hair you are losing is to closely inspect your pillow every morning.  Another handy way of judging your hair fall is to see how many hairs are in the bath tub after you have drained the water from your bath.  I can confidently report that my pillow now has far less hairs on it in the mornings – from around 10-15 before taking HR23 to the current figure of 1-2.
  • Thicker appearance of hair – There is no doubt about it, HR23 has helped to thicken my hair and give it extra volume.  Friends and family have noticed an extra thickness in my hair (and shine), giving my barnet an overall healthier appearance. 
  • Stronger nails – This wasn’t an essential part of the reason I decided to try HR23, but having stronger, faster growing nails certainly can’t be seen as a bad thing.  The addition of biotin would be my educated guess for the stronger nail growth.
  • Higher energy levels – I don’t know if this is the ‘placebo effect’ but I certainly feel full of energy throughout the day since taking HR23.  On evidence of the 23 ingredients used, it’s no wonder my energy and helath levels have increased since using this supplement. 
Would I recommend HR23? In short, yes!  If you suffer from early stages of hair loss Norwood Scale 1-4 then HR23 could well be the best oral pill for you to try.  Realistically, HR23 can prevent further hair loss and even stop the hair loss process, depending on your genetics, diet and lifestyle.  The makers of HR23 certainly aren’t stupid, therefore I do believe that this anti-hair loss pill can be highly effective for many men and women suffering from hair loss.  The earlier you tackle the problem the more chance you have of beating hair loss with HR23.  The worst case scenario?  You’ll probably delay your hair loss for a number of years, leaving you to enjoy your locks for that much longer.

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