7 thoughts on “Hair Loss – Natural Ayurvedic Home Remedies

  1. Hi.. chemical treatments really end up spoiling hair! You should try 2 of these remedies regularly.. a. homeveda.com/hair/natural-ayurvedic-home-remedies-for-hair-loss.html and b.homeveda.com/hair/natural-ayurvedic-home-remedies-for-dry-hair.html Let us know,? how it works! Take care.

  2. hi homeveda…i am 27yrs old and after my first baby i have sever hair loss …my hair? use to b very thick but dry and rough so i had chemical straightning treatment year ago which lead to more hair fall and my hair are worse now…..please help me to reduce hairloss and grom more hair…….please….. if iuse coconut oil i get dandruff……

  3. do you use these remedies as a three step program or do you? choose one remedy and use that for a specific amount of time?

  4. try out your nearest indian grocery store……they sell shikakai powder and also alma powder….amla oil is also available….try the? Dabur alma hair oil….it is a good brand….hope this helps!

  5. Would you mind checking again for Indian Gooseberry juice (Amla? juice). It should be available in any super market or a naturopathy store. Foods like – spinach, asparagus, broccoli and okra are rich in Folic acid and may be consumed regularly. Trust this helps! 🙂

  6. hey there again, I dont live in India, so I dont have access to neem or alma juice or even shikakai powder. Is there any other remedy tht can help me. Also… what food items would give me the nutrition required? I used ur “curry leaves” tip for greying hair? n it is showing good results. Thanks for this channel once again. -From US

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