25 thoughts on “Hair Loss, Balding, and Thinning Hair — Know What’s Normal & What’s Not (PART 2 of 2)

  1. Arganrain from w…arganrain.nett is Microbiologically, Dermatologically and allergy-tested see the test reports on the website. It is completely safe and no side-? effects

  2. Sorry for bothering you but what did your doctor say? I also lose a lot of hair. Did you ask how much is natural for every day hair loss?? I lose about 50 to 100 strands per day. It makes me so sad and very stressed out because I’m growing out my hair. I’m 18 years old. But my hair has bee growing thicker thanks to Biotin. Try it out.

  3. Build? up of DHT? How does it look like and what are the side effects? Like itchiness or irritation? My friend is worried about her thin hair.

  4. Hi. I’m 19 years old male. My hair started falling about 4 years ago but the number was very less and I ignored it. Since then my hair have been falling continuously till date and the amount of hair fall has increased exponentially. At this date I shed around 400-500 hair a day. I didn’t pay much attention to it? until lately. What would your suggestion be to me? I have recently taken appointment with a dermatologist and my meeting is due in 2 days.

  5. You have a nice condo or house.It looks like you take care of your? hair.It looks good.

  6. Poor diet is definitely one cause of hair loss. Stress and anxiety is another big one. The actual main reason is a build up of DHT (dihydrotestosterone).There are natural products to prevent hair loss like ARGANRain. But to really reverse? hair loss you need to lower the DHT level on your scalp and use a product with argan oil in it.ARGANRain is a popular one and they have a lot more information on their website about hair. check it out w…arganrainproducts.comm or google ” arganrain products “

  7. if you have thinner/thinning hair,? how often do you recommend washing your hair? more or less?

  8. Your hair is very long and beautiful. I have thin hair and tend to? think I’ll never be able to grow long hair. Any advice for keeping hair healthy while trying to grow it out, long and beautiful?

  9. Is your hair loss stressing you out? What can? you do about it? Please visit our channel to learn more!

  10. hey im 18 years old and i have pcos and adrenal fatigue & its? been 3 months now my hair are sheddng

  11. @pqvxhcc u’re right. even i was suffering from hair growth problems from the age 19 years. that being said one of my hair nutrition pro friend suggested me a perfect method to stop hair loss and to grow hair fast forever. i know you will get permanent escape from hair loss after wathcing this video -> bit.ly/LnGW9u?=oguhnq?

  12. what if you wear hair extensions or hair? pieces, are they bad for your hair? like will you loss your hair because they pull and tangle your hair, what should you do? thanks love your channel

  13. i feel your pain:( im 20 my hair suddenly? started falling out 5 months ago. doctors. hair clinics, dermatologists dont know why.. the only thing they say is stress:|

  14. Hi, it’s hard? to say how long it will last. I’m sure a dermatologist may know the answer to that question.

  15. Hi. I’m 21 years old, and my hair has been falling out lately, and based on the things you mention, its likely due to this week-long fever I had about two months back. Lets say that this IS the cause. Apart from that,? I can’t tell what else could be wrong. How long would my hair keep falling out? Its been going on for a bit more than a week now. How long should I expect to keep seeing my hair thin before i start getting new hair?

  16. hormones and testerone increases can shock the hair into changing it’s growth pattern. i was dumb enough to start to take testerone gel and now my hair has bald spots. its best to avoid strange medicines or vitamins or herbs, they make shock the? system. and isn’t that why you take outside products for in the first place?don’t do a trade off.

  17. Hi, it won’t cause you to lose hair, but it can cause breakage? if you dry your hair out due to excessive washing which can thin out your hair.

  18. Hi, there really is so hard and fast rule about hair heredity. You can have hair like your mom, dad, grandma, or grandpa. Heredity is a toss up. My daughter has hair that is wavy like mine but thin like my mother-in-law and my son has thick curly hair like my? sister which my dad had when he was very young. So it all depends. The same is true of men. Researchers used to say men take after their mother’s father, but now they say that it’s just luck of the draw whose hair type you inherit.

  19. do women take after there mothers hair traits or fathers?
    my mothers hair is very thick and shes even in menapause
    and my fathers was pretty thick but is now thinning out
    so im wondering am? i more likely to get my mothers traits or my fathers?

  20. Do you think over washing the hair can cause thinning and hair loss?? I wash my hair every day and each time a lot falls out

  21. (continued)

    my question is, is it true that? male baldness is determined by your mothers father…or is that not the case. My younger brother is 18 and but we have always had different types of hair since childhood.

  22. Hi, im 19 turning 20 in June. My father still has all of his thick hair (44) and my mothers hair is fine (42) although she said it has thinned after giving birth to 3 children and had thick hair like me. My Grandfather on my fathers? side has all of his hair still, but my Grandfather on my mother side is now bald. My hair is still very think and looks healthy, but i wonder sometimes i have a reseating hair line. I have always had i high forehead so its hard for me to say if that is just the case

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