Battle Of The Hair Supplements: TRX2 VS HR23+

Let’s face it, when it comes to most aspects of life, most of us do love a good rivalry. When sports stars, global organisations and celebrities form rivalries with each other, many of us are guilty of sitting back and enjoying the mayhem unfold in front of our eyes. A few global rivalries that spring to mind are Pepsi vs Coke, Marvel vs DC and Barcelona vs Real Madrid.

Make no mistake, the beauty and supplement market is no different. When it comes to hair health supplements, TRX2 has pretty much stood on its own since it formed in 2011, cleaning up all before it and leading the hair supplement market across Europe. As we all know, for a product/brand to exceed its full potential, it needs a worthy rival to help push it forward. Rivalries can be healthy and beneficial to both parties.

Enter HR23+ – the newest and most advanced hair health supplement to hit the hair loss market. HR23+ is packed with 23 key ingredients that can rival any leading anti-hair loss supplement. Packed with saw palmetto and biotin, along with some other excellent hair beneficiaries, HR23+ is set to become one of the fastest growing hair health supplements across the UK, Europe and North America.

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