No, I’m not dead I know it’s been awhile since I’ve posted, but sometimes life just gets in the way ya know? Onwards… When I started losing my hair in 1999, at 21 years of age,  I was certain (positive)  life was over. How could I ever LIVE without having all the hair I was […]

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Hi Everyone!  Happy Easter! I’m about to get myself ready for the day, but before I hop (like a bunny hop — hop) off to the shower and wig up, I wanted to share something amazing with you. I believe we hold within us the power to conquer insurmountable obstacles and struggles, like hair loss. […]

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Have you ever witnessed the moment of change, the moment where you watched a person’s pain be washed away with the hope of the future? I have. Incredibly moving and felt to my core, as I related on every level possible, I understood every tear and felt the impact of what each drop held as […]

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