OK, so we’ve been asked to do this for quite some time now, but for some reason we just never quite got round to it. So, without further ado, here is a list of our best 5 hair loss treatment supplements of all time. Please note, this list is based on our opinions only, therefore we always feel it is important to state that each product’s effectiveness varies in each individual case. 

So, from the expert panel of Anna, Omar and myself (Karl), this is how we rate four of the best selling hair supplements on the market today…  


This famous supplement was the best selling hair pill for men in the States, last time we heard, and if you’ve been conducting some supplement research of your own then you’ll have bound to come across Procerin. This isn’t a bad old supplement, but many hair supplements have come along since Procerin with newer and more advanced formulas. Procerin also does a scalp therapy foam, which could be worth a try if you’re particularly thinning at the top.  

How we rate Procerin (out of 10)
Anna = 
Omar =
Karl = 
Overall rating =  6/10


Bursting onto the scene in 2011, TRX2 claimed it could beat hair loss through a completely different method to its competitors. This method involved stimulating hair follicles through potassium channels, which gave many men and women around the world real hope that this could actually be the closest thing we have to a hair loss cure. The result? Well, TRX2 is really nothing more than a vitamin tablet with the addition of potassium – it certainly isn’t a cure for balding, or anything close. The additives are pretty good though, so we’re still fans of this Oxford based supplement, but perhaps we just don’t hold the same enthusiasm as we used to.  

How we rate TRX2 (out of 10)
Anna = 
Omar =
Karl = 
Overall rating =  5/10



Why do we go on about HR23+ so much? Well, simply because it’s a bloody good hair health supplement, and unlike many of its rivals, it actually works. HR23+ is a no messing, straight down to business kinda supplement, packed with key essential hair beneficiary ingredients that have been proven to enhance hair health in men and women. If you’ve not tried this quite awesome pill yet, then be sure to give it a go – we bet you’ll see some pretty radical results in no time!

How we rate HR23+ (out of 10)
Anna = 
Omar =
Karl = 
Overall rating =  8/10


The reason Viviscal has become so popular is because the brand have spent huge on advertising. Ingredient wise, this supplement is pretty decent, and we certainly wouldn’t turn people away from using it. It won’t cure hair loss but it might, just might, enhance the thickness of your hair.   

How we rate Viviscal (out of 10)
Anna = 
Omar =
Karl = 
Overall rating =  6.5/10

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Ok, so it might be one of the fastest selling hair health supplements on the market, but many people still have a few reservations about HR23+, and one of them is its price. 

At £49.99 per bottle, which gives you a total of four weeks usage, HR23+ certainly isn’t one of the most cheaper hair health brands that you’re likely to come across. So, why is HR23+ such a pricey product? Well, let’s investigate this supplement further and do our best to justify this hefty price tag.

We’ve had a few discussions on forums and over social media with men and women that are keen to try HR23+ hair tablets, but are immediately put off by the price. People seem reluctant to purchase HR23+ because they believe all the ingredients in this supplement can be purchased separately for a much more cheaper monthly cost. Is this true? Well, it’s not quite that simple, as we’re about to explain… 

We conducted some extensive research on all the ingredients in HR23+, to see how exactly how much the price compared. Here are our findings… 
  • One bottle of HR23+ costs £49.99 from their official website. You can also get HR23+ at just £39.99 per bottle if you purchase them in multi-packs, but for the purpose of our research, we’ll price this product at £50.
  • We went through each and every ingredient in this product and researched online how much the ingredients would come to if they were all bought separately. The cheapest we could replicate HR23+’s ingredients came to £135, based on 12 supplements – some with individual ingredients and others with multiple ingredients. 

Purchasing the ingredients separately amounts to almost three times the cost of one bottle of HR23+, proving the point that you are actually getting far more value from this supplement than many sceptics would suggest. 

Also, what you need to bear in mind is the dosage amounts. Taking 23 separate supplements every day cannot be good or safe for the body. Our bodies need to digest healthily, and over-dosages can potential be harmful or have no effect at all. What you get with HR23+ is a safe supplement that comes with the convenience of taking just two pills every day, rather then taking a ridiculous amount that are either unsafe or have no lasting effect on your hair. 
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We don’t work for anyone or endorse products of any kind, here at Comb Over, but we do like to keep our readers informed about everything hair loss related, and that includes updates about products and treatments on the market. 

If early stages of hair loss is beginning to worry you, then you’ll have probably started your search for a solution by now. There are literally hundreds of products and treatments readily available on the market that make outrageous claims about curing hair loss in both men and women, but the reality is, most of these products just don’t work.

So, just what are the best products and treatments readily available that can help with hair loss in any way possible? Well, the bad news is there isn’t a cure for baldness, but the good news is there are indeed products out there that can benefit your hair immensely. If you’re looking for a way to slow down and prevent hair loss then there are realistic options available for you to combat hair loss safely and effectively.

To help you avoid being scammed and wasting your money, here is a list of some of the best and worst hair loss products available on the market. Check out the ones to try and the ones to avoid…

Hair Formula 37

Ok, so none of us here at Comb Over have tired Hair Formula 37, but from looking at the product alone, this does look like it could be an absolute scam. This three step system is just a gimmicky way of squeezing more money out of you. Because they can’t market this supplement as a ‘hair loss cure’, they’ve clearly marketed it towards young women looking to grow their hair faster. Does Hair Formula 37 grow your hair any faster? We highly doubt it. 

Hair Again by John Kelby

I don’t think I’ve laughed so much as I did when I read this rather pathetic book by John Kelby. Hair Again is an e-book that claims it can cure any stage of hair loss through some tried and tested principles, safely and effectively. The truth is, this book is a load of nonsense. It’s going to take a lot more than berry potions and a bunch of herbs to stop balding. This book has got ‘get rich quick’ written all over it. Please avoid this rubbish at all costs! 

Herbal H

Just when you think it couldn’t possibly get any worse, it has! Herbal H has got scam written all over it. This ‘revolutionary’ hair growth spray is nothing more than a private label of the Chinese spray, YUDA. If you’re looking for an effective scalp therapy treatment, then look no further than Regaine foams. Regaine is one of very few topical applications you can afford to trust in today’s scam-filled hair loss market. 

Alpecin Shampoo

Ok, let’s get one thing straight – Alpecin shampoo is not and doesn’t claim to be a cure for hair loss. But, with that said, it can act as a hair energiser, stimulating hair follicles which in turn can be excellent for strong hair growth. Cases will vary with each individual, but at just £5 per bottle, you should definitely consider trying this caffeine shampoo if you’re a man suffering from thinning hair. 


Since its launch in 2011, TRX2 has been the fastest selling hair health supplement in Europe. With its unique theories and hair loss studies, this was the most highly anticipated pill for hair loss that the market had ever known. But, after some legal complications and a lot of negative reviews from users, TRX2 is now looked upon with much scepticism. If you strip everything down to the tablet itself – it’s nothing more than a vitamin tablet with the addition of potassium. If, like thousands of other men and women, you’d like to try it, then go ahead – but at £45 per bottle, it’s probably best to seek alternative treatments that stand a better chance of working. 


We’ve never had a bad thing to say about Viviscal, but we don’t rave about it either. We classify this as an averagely decent supplement that many men could benefit from using. The ingredients look good but it could be a little pricey for most guys. Early reviews suggest Viviscal can have excellent effects, but this innovative supplement seems to gain more sales from its female counterpart product. If you’ve tried other supplements that haven’t worked for you, then Viviscal should be one for you to consider. 


Provillus is one of the best selling hair health pills in the USA, but we remain sceptical about this supplement. If you’re looking for a potent supplement to slow down and prevent hair loss then Provillus probably isn’t for you. The reason this supplement is so successful is not due to its results, but more down to the fact it was one of the first of its kind to be released on the market. Now there are hundreds of supplements like this, all promising the same thing. 


HR23+ is a terrific supplement for the prevention of hair loss and promotion of healthy hair growth. This new and advanced supplement is packed with excellent hair beneficiary ingredients that work in conjunction with one another for effective results. The reviews have been extremely promising and its popularity has grown tremendously since it launched in 2014. If you’re looking to tackle early stages of hair loss then HR23+ is definitely worth a try. Expect to pay over £40 a month for this hair health solution. 

Hair Oil by White Label

Ok, so White Label’s Hair Oil isn’t a hair loss treatment as such, but it does come packed with some pretty potent ingredients that can increase the volume and strength of your hair. This affordable solution is a great option to take alongside a more potent treatment for multiple effects. 

Dermaheal Hair Serum

Again, Dermaheal isn’t a hair loss cure or a hair growth serum, but it can definitely benefit your hair in the way of health, volume and texture. For best results try using this popular serum in conjunction with a potent supplement. 

MediGro Hair Loss Formulation

MediGro is affordable, but it’s not anywhere near as effective as some of the other hair supplements available on the market. This new and improved formula may work for you to a certain extent, but it’s highly doubtful you’ll see major results from using this. If you’re willing to spend a little more on your hair, then we’d recommend avoiding this supplement in favour of something much more advanced. 
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Guest post by K Ashton.  

Ok, so if you’re an avid reader of my blog you’ll know it’s no secret I’m a bit of a hair loss nerd. I’ve been suffering from hair loss since I was in my mid twenties and, through trial and error, I’ve tried a host of products and treatments to get to where I am today.

I am now 31 and I have finally managed to stop my hair loss by going through a simple routine that seems to work for me. I think we can safely say that results with each individual will vary, so this routine may not work for you as well as it has for me, but it’s definitely worth trying. What have you got to lose, right? 

Live Well

Honestly, I can’t stress this point enough. By eating healthy and exercising regularly, you’ll give your hair the best chance of growing faster and stronger. I wouldn’t say I was out of shape in my mid twenties, but once I made a few alterations to my eating and exercise pattern I did notice some extraordinary changes in my hair growth. 

Now, I’m not saying you should go from one extreme to another, but just take note of what you eat and how it can benefit your hair. Providing your hair follicles with key hair beneficiaries like green apples, rice, vegetables and high proteins, your hair will stand a far better chance of growing faster and stronger. 

Topical Treatments

I have tried more topical solutions than I can to remember. Minoxidil, serums, foams, shampoos, you name it I’ve tried it! It took quite a bit of trial and error to find a way of slowing my hair loss down, and this is something you should be willing to go through as well if you are serious about keeping on to your hair.

I currently use Head & Shoulders Endurance Shampoo, with the occasional use of Alpecin Double Effect Shampoo. Of all the hundreds of shampoos I have tried, these are the two that have worked best for me. My hair looks much thicker and fuller in volume since I started using these shampoos. I also use pure minoxidil liquid at 3-5{a2ca4edd6b41bbe0aa2aee03bc791424ed51d90fd68b7905d1abaddbf6d669df}, with occasional use of HR23+ KGF serum – both have helped slow down my hair loss dramatically. 


I have made it pretty clear on my blog that I refuse to use Propecia (finasteride), so for over five years I made it my mission to find a natural, side-effect-free supplement that could potentially slow down and stop my hair falling out. After trying tens of products, I finally settled on HR23+ hair restoration tablets, which worked so well for my hair. I use these tablets in conjunction with the topical treatments mentioned above and my hair has seen incredible benefits from this routine. 

Like I said, different treatments work for different people, so it is definitely worth trying things out for you to know exactly what works for you. If you suffer from early balding like me then there is every chance you’ll find something that can work for you both safely and effectively. 

Here is my full hair loss treatment programme that has worked for me (prices are the cost of the product):

  • Shampoo: Head & Shoulders Endurance (£4.99) – I use this daily.
  • Shampoo: Alpecin Double Effect (£7.99) – I use this once a week.
  • Topical Solution: Pure Minoxidil (£29.99) – I use this every other day.
  • Topical Solution: HR23+ KGF Serum (£44.99) – I use this every other month.
  • Supplement: HR23+ Hair Restore Tablets (£49.99) – I use this daily. 

Visit K Ashton‘s hair loss diary, My Battle With Hair Loss.
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The hair loss products industry has always been and remains a very controversial one. Can these ‘treatments’ really stop hair loss and promote hair growth? Can these products regrow hair and potentially cure hair loss? Some of these products can cost up to £100 a month, therefore it’s essential you know what you’re putting into your body or on top of your head before potentially wasting a lot money on something that doesn’t work.

Here, we take a look at a few hair loss products that have got scam written all over them. We hope this guide will be useful in order for you to make the right choice about how you consider treating your hair loss from here on in.

Alpecin Coffein Shampoo 
Scam Alert XXXXX

Ok, so the theory behind this shampoo range goes by the way of energising the hair follicles with the highly potent addition of caffeine. No official tests have resulted in caffeine offering a cure for hair loss, nor is there anything to suggest this type of formula can stabilise or prevent hair loss. You can purchase Alpecin shampoos for as little as under £10 at your nearest supermarket, hence why we believe they’re so popular. If you’re looking for a good shampoo to increase the thickness of you hair, then you’re better off trying something in the mould of Head & Shoulders Hair Endurance Shampoo.  

Herbal H 
Scam Alert XXXXX

We nearly fell off our seats when we heard about the new ‘revolutionary’ anti hair loss formula, Herbal H. This brand does well to promote itself on its website with theories that actually don’t tell us anything we haven’t already heard before. Herbal H talks as if they’ve just discovered Minoxidil, when in reality it’s just a private label of Chinese hair spray formulas, YUDA. YUDA Hair Growth Spray offer their products (which seem horrifically bad) on a private label scheme, therefore it seems as though Herbal H have simply purchased the ready filled cans and wrapped their own label around it. If you’re looking for an effective hair treatment liquid, then stick to pure Minoxidil 3{a2ca4edd6b41bbe0aa2aee03bc791424ed51d90fd68b7905d1abaddbf6d669df}-5{a2ca4edd6b41bbe0aa2aee03bc791424ed51d90fd68b7905d1abaddbf6d669df} or purchase the FDA approved Regaine.

Scam Alert XXXXX

Right, so the ‘science looks good and the reviews look promising, but does TRX2 really work? A popular choice already with men and women trying to battle hair loss, TRX2 has gained quite a name for itself since its launch back in 2011. TRX2 claims it can cure hair loss by maintaining the membrane potential of hair follicles, stimulating the de novo synthesis of potassium channels, restoring potassium channel activity/functionality, and hyper-polarising hair follicles. In reality, TRX2 is nothing more than a vitamin tablet with the addition of potassium. There is no proof to suggest that the theory of TRX2 is sound, therefore you should think wisely before spending £45 a month on this supplement. Popular hair restoration supplements like HR23+ offer you much better value for your money, and exceptionally better results. It doesn’t matter how great something sounds, if it’s not scientifically proven, it’s more than likely going to be a scam. Stick to what is tried, tested and proven.

Tried & Tested: HR23+ is contains ingredients that actually work!

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It’s a question we get asked frequently: Can pills stop hair loss and promote new hair growth? The supplement form of hair loss treatments seem to be the most intriguing for most of us. Many remain sceptical about topical treatments such as serums, shampoos, sprays and foams, so there seems to be a much higher regard for oral treatments. 

Since Comb Over formed in 2012, we have been solely committed to bringing our readers honest and insightful articles and reviews on everything hair loss related. We’ve tried a fair few hair supplements over the past three years, and although some have demonstrated good results, others have been a complete waste of time.

What’s Hot and What’s Not! 
Your Complete Hair Loss Supplement Guide

Here, we take you through seven popular hair loss treatment supplements that we have tried since 2012, and give you a brief run down on how good (or bad) they really are. If you’ve tried any of these popular supplements, then please feel free to leave your thoughts in the comment section below. 

Viviscal Man
Hair Growth Programme
Product Description: Viviscal Man dietary supplements contain the exclusive marine complex AminoMar® – a rich compound of marine extracts. Plus Zinc, Vitamin C, Horsetail Extract and Flax Seed, to nourish hair from within. Viviscal claims to have an 81{a2ca4edd6b41bbe0aa2aee03bc791424ed51d90fd68b7905d1abaddbf6d669df} success rate.
Test Period: 2014 (for six months)
Positives: Showed slight decrease of hair fall and increase of hair density.
Negatives: No evidence of new hair growth.
Price: £50 per month

Dietary Supplement

Product Description: Phyto is a dietary supplement comprised of natural elements, each daily dose provides all the nourishing vitamins, essential fatty acids and antioxidants needed to promote healthy hair growth, strengthen nails, illuminate skin, and fortify lashes.
Test Period: 2014 (for three months)
Positives: Hair appeared slightly shinier and healthier. 
Negatives: Hair loss was just as frequent with no new hair growth.
Price: £35 per month.

Hair Restoration Tablets

Product Description: HR23+ is a new and advanced hair health formula designed to stop hair loss and promote healthy hair growth in men and women that suffer from early stages of hair loss.
Test Period: 2015 (for three months, ongoing)
Positives: Has slowed down hair loss considerably and increased thickness and density of hair. 
Negatives: Very little new hair growth as of yet.
Price: £45 per month

Hair Regrowth Treatment

Product Description: Provillus Hair Regrowth for Men is a natural dietary supplement offering a powerful combination of herbs and essential nutrients to support healthy hair.
Test Period: 2012 (for three months)
Positives: Slight slowing down of hair loss during the first two months. 
Negatives: No clear results after the first two months.
Price: £30 per month

Molecular Hair Growth Supplement

Product Description: TRX2 claims to prevent hair loss and regrow hair by maintaining the membrane potential of hair follicles, stimulating the de novo synthesis of potassium channels, restoring potassium channel activity/functionality, and hyperpolarising hair follicles.
Test Period: 2013 (for six months)
Positives: Hair appeared slightly healthier. 
Negatives: No evidence of hair loss stoppage and no new hair growth. Overpriced.
Price: £45 per month

Thinning Hair Food Supplement For Men

Product Description: TRX2 is a hair food supplement that helps maintain healthy hair growth in men that suffer from thinning hair.
Test Period: 2012 (for six months)
Positives: Excellent results during the first three months with slowing down of hair loss. 
Negatives: Results subsided after the initial three month treatment period.
Price: £30 per month

Hair Dietary Supplement

Product Description: Nutrafol is a first-of-its-kind preventative formula-powered by our patent pending Synergen Complex-applies recent biotechnology breakthroughs in ingredients research to revive hair production in the scalp and follicles.
Test Period: 2014 (for three months)
Positives: Really good branding and impressive ingredients. 
Negatives: The results were minimal in hair loss prevention and hair growth promotion.
Price: £50 per month
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If you’re one of 60{a2ca4edd6b41bbe0aa2aee03bc791424ed51d90fd68b7905d1abaddbf6d669df} of men and 40{a2ca4edd6b41bbe0aa2aee03bc791424ed51d90fd68b7905d1abaddbf6d669df} of women that suffers from some form for hair loss, then you’ve probably conducted a fair bit of research on the topic of hair treatments. 

In all likeliness, you’ve probably found a huge amount of hair loss prevention tips that have been misleading and contradicting. The internet is full of advice for hair loss, but how much of what you read can you actually believe? 

Here, we take a look at some of the most common hair loss prevention tips that you are most likely to read, and we’ll reveal how many of them are actually true…

X Brushing your hair causes premature hair loss!

Over brushing your hair can lead to premature hair fall in men and women. Really? This is something that you have probably read a million times, but take it from us, this is a total myth. There have been no clinical studies to suggest that brushing or combing your hair can lead to balding.

Eating green apples can help prevent hair loss

Yes, eating a decent portion of green apples can indeed help prevent hair loss and promote healthy hair growth. Green apples are rich in minerals such as iron, zinc, copper, manganese and potassium which play a great role in the development and formation of hair strands.
X Dying your hair regularly increases hair fall

Don’t put the hair dye away just yet, folks, because anything you read about dying hair leading to hair loss is absolute nonsense. Yes, certain chemicals can lead to hair falling out, but if you choose your product wisely and apply it correctly, you won’t experience any hair fall. Just remember, male/female pattern baldness is genetic, therefore any hair you lose through dying your hair will grow back.

A healthy lifestyle leads to stronger hair growth 

This may seem a little obvious, but eating well and exercising regularly does indeed have benefits for your hair. Living a healthy and active lifestyle can have huge benefits for your overall health, as well as the condition of your hair.

X Smoking causes hair loss

The whole ‘smoking causes hair loss’ thing has been making its way around the garden of myths for years, but for all you smokers out there you’ll be pleased to know this: There hasn’t yet been any scientific evidence that smoking causes any form of balding.

✓ Stress can lead to hair loss

One thing is for certain: stress is far more significant in the formation of hair loss than smoking. If you suffer from stress then we recommend doing something about it. Stress is a powerful emotion that can have effects on people’s mental health as well as their appearance.

X Washing your hair too regularly can lead to balding

Hair loss is genetic, therefore washing your hair every day will not cause male or female pattern baldness. If you suffer from some form of thinning hair, then hair energising shampoos such as Alpecin and Plantur can help. 

Vitamins can help prevent baldness

Although there are plenty of ‘hair loss cure’ scams on the market, there are also excellent supplements available that can help prevent hair loss and promote healthy hair growth. HR23+ (pictured above) contains an excellent blend of hair health ingredients that have been scientifically tried and tested to work. So, if you’re serious about holding onto your hair for longer, then you should consider a multi-tasking hair supplement or topical solution that provides you with the key additives it needs to prevent hair fall and sustain healthy hair growth. 

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