Are Hair Loss Products Just a Scam?

The hair loss products industry has always been and remains a very controversial one. Can these ‘treatments’ really stop hair loss and promote hair growth? Can these products regrow hair and potentially cure hair loss? Some of these products can cost up to £100 a month, therefore it’s essential you know what you’re putting into your body or on top of your head before potentially wasting a lot money on something that doesn’t work.

Here, we take a look at a few hair loss products that have got scam written all over them. We hope this guide will be useful in order for you to make the right choice about how you consider treating your hair loss from here on in.

Alpecin Coffein Shampoo 
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Ok, so the theory behind this shampoo range goes by the way of energising the hair follicles with the highly potent addition of caffeine. No official tests have resulted in caffeine offering a cure for hair loss, nor is there anything to suggest this type of formula can stabilise or prevent hair loss. You can purchase Alpecin shampoos for as little as under £10 at your nearest supermarket, hence why we believe they’re so popular. If you’re looking for a good shampoo to increase the thickness of you hair, then you’re better off trying something in the mould of Head & Shoulders Hair Endurance Shampoo.  

Herbal H 
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We nearly fell off our seats when we heard about the new ‘revolutionary’ anti hair loss formula, Herbal H. This brand does well to promote itself on its website with theories that actually don’t tell us anything we haven’t already heard before. Herbal H talks as if they’ve just discovered Minoxidil, when in reality it’s just a private label of Chinese hair spray formulas, YUDA. YUDA Hair Growth Spray offer their products (which seem horrifically bad) on a private label scheme, therefore it seems as though Herbal H have simply purchased the ready filled cans and wrapped their own label around it. If you’re looking for an effective hair treatment liquid, then stick to pure Minoxidil 3{a2ca4edd6b41bbe0aa2aee03bc791424ed51d90fd68b7905d1abaddbf6d669df}-5{a2ca4edd6b41bbe0aa2aee03bc791424ed51d90fd68b7905d1abaddbf6d669df} or purchase the FDA approved Regaine.

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Right, so the ‘science looks good and the reviews look promising, but does TRX2 really work? A popular choice already with men and women trying to battle hair loss, TRX2 has gained quite a name for itself since its launch back in 2011. TRX2 claims it can cure hair loss by maintaining the membrane potential of hair follicles, stimulating the de novo synthesis of potassium channels, restoring potassium channel activity/functionality, and hyper-polarising hair follicles. In reality, TRX2 is nothing more than a vitamin tablet with the addition of potassium. There is no proof to suggest that the theory of TRX2 is sound, therefore you should think wisely before spending £45 a month on this supplement. Popular hair restoration supplements like HR23+ offer you much better value for your money, and exceptionally better results. It doesn’t matter how great something sounds, if it’s not scientifically proven, it’s more than likely going to be a scam. Stick to what is tried, tested and proven.

Tried & Tested: HR23+ is contains ingredients that actually work!

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