Fair Trade: Why is HR23+ so Expensive?

Ok, so it might be one of the fastest selling hair health supplements on the market, but many people still have a few reservations about HR23+, and one of them is its price. 

At £49.99 per bottle, which gives you a total of four weeks usage, HR23+ certainly isn’t one of the most cheaper hair health brands that you’re likely to come across. So, why is HR23+ such a pricey product? Well, let’s investigate this supplement further and do our best to justify this hefty price tag.

We’ve had a few discussions on forums and over social media with men and women that are keen to try HR23+ hair tablets, but are immediately put off by the price. People seem reluctant to purchase HR23+ because they believe all the ingredients in this supplement can be purchased separately for a much more cheaper monthly cost. Is this true? Well, it’s not quite that simple, as we’re about to explain… 

We conducted some extensive research on all the ingredients in HR23+, to see how exactly how much the price compared. Here are our findings… 
  • One bottle of HR23+ costs £49.99 from their official website. You can also get HR23+ at just £39.99 per bottle if you purchase them in multi-packs, but for the purpose of our research, we’ll price this product at £50.
  • We went through each and every ingredient in this product and researched online how much the ingredients would come to if they were all bought separately. The cheapest we could replicate HR23+’s ingredients came to £135, based on 12 supplements – some with individual ingredients and others with multiple ingredients. 

Purchasing the ingredients separately amounts to almost three times the cost of one bottle of HR23+, proving the point that you are actually getting far more value from this supplement than many sceptics would suggest. 

Also, what you need to bear in mind is the dosage amounts. Taking 23 separate supplements every day cannot be good or safe for the body. Our bodies need to digest healthily, and over-dosages can potential be harmful or have no effect at all. What you get with HR23+ is a safe supplement that comes with the convenience of taking just two pills every day, rather then taking a ridiculous amount that are either unsafe or have no lasting effect on your hair. 

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