I Am Worried About Balding. I See Thin Tapered Hair. Am I Balding?

Recently, I’ve been worrying about my hair as I’m seeing more hairs fall out in the shower. The issue is that at least have these hairs are short (1 inch or less), thin and tapered at the end, not the root. My hair on my head in general does not look or feel any thinner but the amount of these types of hairs falling out is concerning me. Are these types of hairs an early symptom of balding? Thanks.

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Male pattern balding (MPB) is a genetic trait. The hair loss is apparent from a certain “pattern” that develops.  The morphology of hair may be an sign of hair loss as miniaturized hair is smaller in its diameter.  However ALL of us (even those who are not balding) have miniaturized hair.  It is part of the cycle of hair.


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