I Was Disappointed With My Doctor With My Surgery. What Do you Think My Results Will Be?

Had, what I feel was very successful strip surgery graft to frontal area at beginning of year. Full natural hairline . In light of this, pursued transplant to crown at different center (for geographical/practical reasons)  Was disappointed that  rather than 1,500 or so grafts promised only 900 were done. Reason given was lack of scalp laxity. Multi unit hair grafts were used for a total of 4,500 hairs. Crown area is question was about  14 sq in (35 sq cm) My hair is somewhat coarse, not particularly fine. I’m not fair skinned. Was interested in your opinion as to what your best guess would be in terms of final density.

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I am not here to “guess”.  You have specific numbers and it is merely about doing the math.

It is worrisome how 900 grafts will total 4500 hairs. This equals 5 hairs per graft.  This is highly suspicious since most people have an average of 2 hairs per graft.

Your 900 grafts in a 35 sq cm equals 26 grafts per sq cm.   If you really have 4500 hairs in a 35 sq cm that would be 129 hairs per sq cm.

An average non balding scalp may have 100 grafts (200 hairs) per sq cm.

If you had a successful surgery with one doctor and had a disappointing experience with the second doctor, maybe you should follow up with the first doctor.



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