1. Where can I get these ? I’m so convinced by this video to try the plant out
    Only problem I don’t know where to get it here (Germany)? pls someone answer …

  2. I had gotten really badly sunburned, so bad even my scalp waa blood red burned but as? soon as my mom applied the gooeyness to my skin it cooled it down. Somehow the plant obsorbs the heat and instantly I felt better. It hurt so bad I was crying, anything that touched me hurt or even if I moved. Thats how badly burnt I was! Aloe vera plant is seriously amazing for many different uses. I even drink the juice!

  3. How About using Aloe vera Oil ??? i have Mustard oil from Pakistan can i mix them together and apply them as a hot oil treatment for? 1 hour ?

  4. I have two different lip colors on…? Its like an ombre lips… MAC’s morange on first and in the center i have on gel by MAC

  5. That? was really rude… you could’ve hurt her feelings. She’s really pretty!!!

  6. no offense, i’m sure her treatment helps but if you have problems with hair loss/thinning hair my advice would be to go see a doctor, often simple things such as lack of iron/iodine in your diet can cause hair loss. so? rather than trying out things, i would get a proper diagnosis, since it could be easily fixed by just taking some supplements, that’s all i’m saying… and most importantly if there really is something serious going on -which i doubt- you can do sth about it 🙂

  7. there is a language? that yours is derived from, called ‘british english’ 😀

  8. I’m taking accutane and my hair is? Falling out like crazy idk how to stop it 🙁

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